What do you guys think about the name Olivia

Lockwood 💆🏽 • Mom of 5 amazing kiddos

So we’re 17 weeks (on Tuesday) with our 3rd little lady. It’s getting quite difficult to find a name that we both like that’s not dramatic or ugly. Lol. So as of now, we have two contenders that we both like but we are also keeping our eyes open for others that we like. So on a car ride home yesterday, the name Olivia just popped in my head. I asked him what he thought about it and he said it was nice. I like it because it’s sweet and I don’t feel it’s all that common. Or is it? Lol. I don’t know any Olivia’s and neither does he. The only one I know is from Scandal. Lol. Our current kids have names that are not common (but also not extra or dramatic) and we like to keep it that way. Lol. What do you guys think about it?

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