spotting. very nervous....


on Monday I woke up for work and noticed some pinkish blood after going to the bathroom. after an hour is was brownish and very little. saw my OB that day, baby is fine and they don't know why it happened. I had to have the Rhogam shot since I'm O-. within a day there was no more blood at all. today I woke up and there is a slight brownish discharge. I'm 12 weeks and had an additional 2 sono on Tuesday. my OB gave me another after my shot and the genetic doctor performed one when I did my genetic testing. we heard heartbeat and saw the flutter. heart rate was over 160. what do I do???? should I be concerned if I bleed again? I'm kind of freaking out. I had a very stressful day at work yesterday and I don't know if that's playing part in what I'm experiencing today? any advice from my fellow mommies???