Mixed Signals

this guy & i have been talking for almost a year now. no title just fwb. i of course like any other female caught feelings. anyway i’m really confused about him now. he texts me all day everyday. some times he takes longer than normal to respond but i let it slide bc he’s not my bf. but what’s weird is when he’s hanging out with me, he is always texting this same girl as well as snapchating her bc i saw it on his phone the past few times we have hung out. then on the other hand, he also always wants to hang out with me. we went from hanging out once a week if that, to hanging out every other day now. we also do other things that couples do. went to a concert, out to eat, sporting events etc. but when we are in the bedroom he of course wants to have sex but he never wants to cuddle. i never felt so awkward lying w someone bc he acts like he doesn’t want me on him unless we are bout to fuck. it’s just some things he does makes me think he actually likes me then other days i feel like i’m just another hoe to him. what should i do...?