El oh el 🤔🤔🤔


I've been with my boyfriend , soon to be 2 years in march. We live together. Before I was seeing him , I was seeing this other guy. Me and him have always had a connection, it's just a really good vibe but he is a little ugly. I really don't care, we have been talking ever since me and my boyfriend got together. Not constantly but on and off. Me and my boyfriend had broken up a couple months back and I told the other guy I was single. So we kept talking and then me and my boyfriend got back together like a few hours after. But I never told the other guy about it. So we started talking again , and he doesn't know , but I've always liked him. That connection is still there. I love my current boyfriend, and I like that other guy too. Now I'm confused. Idk what to do. I want both but I know I can't.