Panic Mode

Amanda • First Trimester with Baby 2 Baby Boy 07/2018 💙 Chemical : 04/2017 | Miscarriage : 08/2017

I am going to start this off by saying that I have had two miscarriages this year, and just found out On Wednesday the 15th that I was pregnant for the third time. I am so excited but also so scared.


Do you ever have a moment where you just think “holy shit I am pregnant...” in a scared way.

Like are you sure this is 100% what you want? You do know your life will never be the same right? No longer can you just go out and do whatever you want.

Just panicking and thinking about all these different scenarios. I am so excited to have a baby, we have been trying for a year. I have wanted to me a mom for so long but man am I scared as well...