This wait is going to drive me nuts!!

I just had my Mirena taken out on October 24th after 2 years. This was a Tuesday. I started, what I think was my first period, two days later and It went its normal 5 day cycle. After the first few months of being on the Mirena, my periods stopped. We have been trying since I took the Mirena out. The first couple days after we tried the first time( well about 4 times ha) I felt sick, was getting hot flashes, my boobs felt heavy and full and I just didn’t feel right. About 6-7 days later I had a couple days of light pink/brown discharge. I’m not sure if it was implantation bleeding, as I never had that with my other 3 pregnancies. My symptoms went away but now I’m starting to get heartburn off and on, twinges of lower abdomen pain, feeling like I have to pee a lot and just a lot of pressure down there. I thought maybe it was the starting of a UTI but it wasn’t. I’m supposed to start my period on Thanksgiving. I’m dying waiting to test because I don’t want to get mine or my boyfriend’s hopes up. He is set on the idea that I’m pregnant. I heard that in the first few days after you have your Mirena our, you can have rapid ovulation but I don’t know if that’s the truth or not. This part of it is new to me. Anyone have any feedback on that? I’m hoping that this time around it’s a wham bam, thank you ma’am; one and done try!