Afraid to believe I'm actually pregnant


I have been tracking my ovulation for the past few months on the <a href="">Glow app</a> and so I'm aware of my fertile days. My boyfriend hurt his back this month and because of that, sex on my most fertile dayswas a no-go. But on the last day of my fertile phase, when chances of fertilization were about 7%, we were able to have sex. Fast forward a week to one week before my expected period. I had a very minor moment where I felt slightly queasy and dizzy. Nothing is worse than obsessing over whether or not you're pregnant so I decided to take a pregnancy test... and it came back positive! I experienced happiness at first, but then I grew really doubtful for some reason. Like as if there were some kind of error with the test. I took another one and that was positive too. So here I am a week later, barely 4 weeks pregnant, not feeling a single pregnancy symptom, wondering what in the world is going on. The test said positive, so why am I so reluctant to accept it?