Need advice!!!


My son is 7 months old and I have been trying to sleep train and get my son to self soothe. He will just scream n cry until someone picks him up whenever he is tired. When he does this I don’t pick him up but let him cry because there is nothing wrong with him he just being spoiled.. the problem is when I try to put him in his crib at night n he starts crying I leave him in the crib and exit the room so he can calm himself n fall asleep I check on him every 5-10 mins... but my mom or my sister will come in and pick him up because they don’t wanna hear him cry and it pisses me off cuz I can’t teach him anything if they constantly keep going behind me and doing the exact opposite I’ve told them not to do it but soon as he starts screaming one of them will come get him and all thru the night I have to deal with the nonsense n get no sleep... any suggestions???