How do you know when Baby is about to come?


My first is only 15 months so I still remember everything from her birth but I had to be induced because she didn’t want to come on her own (10 days late) I’m hoping this one will come on it’s own so it can seem more natural. But with my first, until they induced me, I never had contractions, my water never broke, and I didn’t lose my mucus plug until the dr did a membrane strip. I literally felt perfectly fine the whole time I never even had any period like cramps. So I’m wondering what was the process for you and the timeline? I’m assuming it’s mucus plug first, then water breaks, then Baby comes. Is there more warnings?? Does it not always go in that order?? I heard the baby doesn’t always come right away after you lose your mucus plug so how long does it take? Lol sorry for all the questions I should probably know this since it’s my second but I literally have no idea.