Birth Story, FTM💜
On Thursday evening 39+2 I️ experienced the first of my contractions. Nothing too painful, just an uncomfortable period cramp that continued all throughout the night around 5-8min apart. Once they got to 5min apart the next morning I️ was too excited, got my husband up, we loaded up the car and drove off to L&D.; I️ was sure I️ had to be dilated more than the fingertip I️ was at 37 weeks. I️ get hooked up to the monitor, contractions slow down and I’m only a fingertip dilated, 80% effaced, and baby at -2 station. I️ was sent home and told to return when contractions are 4-5min apart for at least 2 hours. I️ was so bummed and sure I’d go past my due date at this point. We get home and the contractions continue, increasingly uncomfortable but no consistency in time apart. By Friday evening they were very uncomfortable, sitting on my ball was the only relief. I️ couldn’t even lay down because of the pain and at this point I️ hadn’t slept since Thursday so I️ was exhausted. I️ called L&D;, explained that I️ was in pain and had no sleep. Nurse recommended a hot shower and Tylenol and said they want FTM to come in when contractions are 3min apart for 2 hours, WTF. At this point I️ knew I️ had a long night ahead.
Friday night was the longest ever, every contraction kicked my butt and nothing helped: warm bath, hot shower, yoga ball, NADA. I️ moaned and groaned in pain all throughout the night and knew my husband was getting annoyed. Come Saturday morning at 4am, I️ begged him to get me Tylenol or take me to the hospital. The Tylenol helped dull the pain, but not enough to sleep. My husband was a groomsman in a wedding at 4pm and I️ didn’t want him to miss it just watching me in pain at home. I️ would have loved to go to the wedding too, but the pain and lack of sleep was too much. I️ figured I️ had another long day of pre-labor ahead, so I️ decided to go to brunch and walk the mall with my mom and sister. All Saturday afternoon I️ had to breath and walk through each painful contraction. I️. Was. Miserable. Hubby and I️ were texting the whole time and I️ told him I’d probably get checked at L&D; later and update him if I️ made any progress. I’m sure I️ looked hilarious walking at the mall, groaning, breathing heavy, and waddling through each contraction. After 5 hours of walking, I️ went to the bathroom at the mall and discovered my mucus plug/bloody show, about a golf ball size. I️ told my mom and sister and they were ready to head to the hospital but I️ figured I️ could walk through more contractions as they were about 4min apart at that point. I️ didn’t want to get turned away by L&D; so I️ kept on walking. An hour later, I️ told my sister I️ couldn’t take anymore so off we went...I️ was in denial that it could finally be baby time and braced each contraction.
I️ checked into L&D;, hooked up to the monitor and baby’s heart rate took a dip. Nurse paged the midwife and another nurse, placed my IV, and checked me. I️ was 6m dilated and baby’s head was right there, it was finally time! The anxiety settled in as I️ realized I️ was about to meet my rainbow baby and my husband was finishing up at the wedding ceremony. We get settled into the delivery room at 5:30 and I️ was progressing fast. By 6:30, I️ was at an 8 and desperate for the epidural that came just in time. My nurse said I️ will still feel a bit come push time because the epidural needed time to take effect. I️ didn’t care, I️ needed any kind of relief after pre-labor at home for the past 24 hours. Hubby finally got to the hospital and it was go time. Baby’s heart rate kept fluctuating and the nurse kept having me turn on opposite sides to bring it back, which was so hard when I️ was numb from the waist down. All of a sudden the room gets flooded with hospital staff; another midwife, doctor, NICU team, and nurse for baby. I’m shaking badly from the anxiety and just look up at my husband and know it will be okay. I️ pushed for 2 contractions and our baby girl was finally here 39w4d on 11/11 at 7:30pm, 6lb 1oz and 19in long. I️ immediately cried because it was the best moment of my life and labor went by so fast; I️ had only been in the hospital for 2 hours and she was here. She was perfect and needed no NICU time but her cord was wrapped around her head and body, explaining the dips in heart rate. The midwife said if I️ didn’t push her out so quickly, it would have ended in emergency C-section. I️ had a minimal tear and felt nothing while I️ was getting stitched up. They cleaned her up, daddy cut her cord and they placed her on my chest. Baby girl was so alert during skin to skin and the 1 hour alone time with me and her daddy.
Shiloh Rey, our beautiful angel baby.💜

And now already a week old💚

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.