Family trouble

This is a stream of consciousness so it is all over the place.

I currently have a really bad relationship with my dad. We don’t see eye to eye, I find him an utter pain to be around when my mum isn’t here. I recently got into a massive fight with him whilst in the car, I know the worst place for a fight. I over reacted about the way he drives and wanted to be let out. So yes I got out the car and stormed off. He makes snide remarks quite a lot, and it’s totally unnecessary. That is what made me want to leave the car. His snide remarks.

I want to desperately move out but don’t have the money to do so, I wish I could leave and go away. So I don’t have to deal with the constant depressing attitude to things.

It’s not long till my mum comes back from her trip. Which I am happy about, because when she gets back I just talk to her and don’t talk to him at all. All the talk just gets passed through my mum to him.

His behaviour is a laughing stock most time, he looks border line homeless. I don’t see what my mum sees in him. What upsets me the most is his constant Debby downer attitude. He really brings me to the point of having bad anxiety and makes me feel angry.