Bleeding but stronger positive HPT?


Next update- hcg levels are 800. Blood draw again tomorrow. 800 is low for supposed to be 7 weeks right??

*Update* Went to my planned parenthood appointment this morning (I don’t have a regular gyno). They did a pregnancy test, came up positive. The did a vaginal ultrasound and saw nothing. They said my cervix was closed. They drew blood and I should be receiving a call this afternoon/evening with a hcg count. Wednesday morning I go in for another blood draw to see what the levels did. Nothing was definitive, more of like it could be several things, but they seemed to lean towards me already miscarrying. Guess I won’t know much more till Wednesday’s blood results are in.

I took my first hpt on 11-01-17 and was a faint positive. This was unplanned with a new relationship and I decided to schedule an abortion for 11-08-17 when I would have been about 6 weeks pregnant. Midday on the 7th I had spotting and by the late evening it was heavier and I needed a pad. I went to the planned appointment the next morning. They did a pee test which was a faint positive but I explained I had cramping and bleeding. The technician did a vaginal ultrasound, and said I miscarried. She said there was an endometrial fold( not really sure what that means). I was relieved and sad. Two nights ago I decided to take a test to see if it would be negative by now, a week later. It was not. In fact the positive registered immediately when the liquid started to move across the box. The puzzling part for me is that when I tested before I was told I miscarried, it took several min for the line to start to appear and it was very faint. Now it registers before the liquid had fully covered the box and it’s strikingly dark immediately. I have taken two more both mid day with the same results. An immediate strong positive. Could the ultrasound tech been wrong? The picture of 5 are from the week before I bled. The picture with three were taken the past three days, one week after bleeding stopped and 11 days after appointment.