Need Advice/ Help.


Note: not doing this for attention, really don’t know what to do.

So, I have ADHD and sometime ago I looked up the symptoms for it just outta curiosity. That same day I looked up symptoms of depression because I’m curious about these things and I’m just like that. Half (more or less) of the symptoms of ADHD were symptoms of depression too. Not thinking much of this and getting more curious (idk why) about it I looked up ADHD and depression. I found out that 70% of people with ADHD have depression, which at that time made me feel really sad. Since that time I looked the symptoms up I’ve been more notice less of my moods, and I think I actually might have it. I’ve been crying at random times and just don’t seem like myself anymore.

I want to get it tested to see if I did have it, but I don’t think that’s even a think you can do. I want to tell my mom about this but I don’t since I think she’ll just say that I’m paranoid and think I have it now because I looked it up. I don’t know why I’m worried about that because my moms really nice and understands me. But I’m also afraid that if I do come in and tell my doctor about it, she’ll just think I want attention from people. I don’t know what to do 😩 if I do have it I want to get better!!! I want to overcome this and brush it off but I can’t seem to for some reason. My life I sent bad or anything it’s actually pretty nice which makes me wonder why I might have it now. Any advice on what to do? It’s been a month now since I looked it up and I keep getting more and more sure I have it, which makes me more said because I DON’T WANT IT! I also don’t want to have to take another pill!! Argh....

And I can’t ask or tell my Best friends about it either because one of them is kinda self-centered so if I ask her I think she’ll just say “oh, I don’t think you have it” and think I want attention too!! And i can’t ask the other one without her finding out either!!! So asking them about it is-practically out of the situation.

Any advice? Anything, I’ll take anything at this point.