Could this be Endometriosis😕

Lilith • reaching for the stars ✨

I'm 14 and have had my period for a little over a year now, and I never have had any cramps just slight back pain here and there, but three months ago I had really bad cramps to were I was on the floor almost crying. Every time I moved it felt like I was getting stabbed. That lasted for about an hour and I had taken two Tylenol and I had a heating pad. About two hours later I had really bad back pain and I literally did not move. The next period I was completely fine and then the one I just ended thank god 😇😇 was horrible. I had the same thing happen and the pain was so unbareable that I was shaking and sweating, it almost felt like I was dying. Should I be worried? My period also usually only last 2 maybe 3 days but on those days it was 2days and then stopped and restarted for another 3. I don't see a ob should i, do you think it could be something serious?