Questions about 1 hr and 3 hr tests

I took (and failed) my 1 hour test with a 187mg/dL. I had eaten hard boiled eggs 4 hours before, and taken my normal medication plus cough syrup beforehand. I wasn’t told I couldn’t take my meds. I also was on steroid (prednisone) medication the week before and was OD’ing on my asthma inhalers (one is a steroid and other is albuterol) to help me get over this sickness but have dropped significantly since my test. My breathing is worse but that’s life. Anyway...Could that have attributed to my failure? My doctor doesn’t know.

I was surprised I failed it as I’ve had random blood draws my most recent being less than 2 weeks ago and my latest BS was 115, 1 hour-ish after eating. My other BS’s varied from 84-115 within the past month. I’ve also had several urines done too and glucose has NOT been detected in any of them.

From what I understand from that chart they draw, your onset generally is 24-28 weeks. I am 26 weeks on Tuesday (25 on the day of the test) so I know it’s possible it’s truly onsetting now and my past blood work isn’t a true representation any longer.

I also had thyroid surgery 3 weeks ago too due to cancer so my levels are still adjusting accordingly. My doctor wasn’t sure if that plays a role or not either.

Instead of the 3 hour test, as I barely kept the 1 hour drink down (that and it caused me to vomit incessantly for the rest of the day of the test) and I’m an extremely hard poke, my doctor has had me do my own journal. I did meet with the dietician and she wasn’t impressed with my diet, as I’m still vomiting from the HG, and was shocked for being overweight, I didn’t sit in front of my TV shoveling HO-HOs in as I catch up with the Kardashians for hours on end (no shade thrown to the Kardashians or their fans). She was surprised I eat relatively healthy to begin with, that or she thinks I’m lying. 🙄 Probably the later—she just wasn’t a nice person.

So, I guess my question is... being sick, on medications, being post-op & trying to regulate my thyroid, could they all be contributing factors to a high 1 hour BS? I don’t normally consume that high of sugar in a sitting either so is it possible it “shocked” my system so to speak? My doctor doesn’t have the answers to my questions (not yet anyway) so I’m reaching out to get some help from others.

My fear is although my blood sugars have been consistently good (76-133) for the majority (I’ve had 2 high values: 162 and 153 one hour postmeals, but then fall to less than 120 2 hours post meal) I’m not sure which way the pendulum is going to swing: having GD or not. I don’t want to be declared GD-free but then have a misdiagnosis and issues arise in that way, or be declared I have it but I really don’t, as I’m struggling nutrition wise due to the HG.

I appreciate your insight and help! Thank you!