Really having negative thoughts when I should be happy and excited šŸ˜’

Thereā€™s a guy at work Iā€™ve been talking to lately and we seem to really click. I talked to him all day today and it was wonderful. He seems really into learning about what I do (photography) and was asking me tons of questions about what cameras I use, subject matter, etc. it was a really good conversation. And yeah, heā€™s also slightly flirty ā˜ŗļø gives me tons of complements. But theyā€™re good complements, not like ā€œaye nice ass B.ā€ He has told one of the managers he thought I was cute though.

But itā€™s just always such a big deal in my family when I start seeing someone. For some reason, theyā€™re OBSESSED with me dating someone whoā€™s super religious, and it makes me sick because they havenā€™t said one word to my brother whose been with his GF for 2 years. Sheā€™s not an atheist but she isnā€™t super religious, which I think is great.

Iā€™m just always the one that has to hear about it. My ex was an atheist and I still to this day havenā€™t heard the end of it. Granted, he was an asshole about it and said a lot of hurtful things. Itā€™s like IM the one at fault when really, no one is. And anyone else I see, they ask me the same questions over and over. I just donā€™t think my nerves can handle it if me and this guy were to hit it off. And that pisses me off because Iā€™m the one that has to put my feelings aside JUST so there isnā€™t an argument. If they start preaching to me about it, Iā€™ll bring up the fact they havenā€™t said a word to my brother.

Maybe thatā€™s just my negative thinking though. Iā€™m really trying to be positive here. Heā€™s realllllly sweet, and I donā€™t think heā€™d be an asshole about it like my ex was. Iā€™m gonna get to know him a little more and see if he mentions it. Just the other night, I was thinking ā€œit sure would be great to meet someone with the same exact views/beliefs as me.ā€ And so far, I think we have the same views on a lot of things. Because hereā€™s the thing, I grew up Christian and I still believe in God, but thereā€™s just certain aspects of Christianity I REFUSE to be on board with. Now, im really only going to church because it makes my grandma happy. Sheā€™s getting old and has health problems and I donā€™t want to give her something else to worry about.

Also, if it turns out heā€™s not into it, the LAST thing I want to do is change him or force him into it. If I do invite him, Iā€™ll make that clear from the get go. Because Iā€™m not really into it either. But do you think he would at least come with me every now and again, just because? I guess after my ex, Iā€™ve been afraid to invite anyone to church. Now I feel like itā€™s a bad thing and theyā€™re going to automatically get upset. And really I only want him to come with me because this new leader at church is an asshole and I really donā€™t want to deal with him alone anymore. Does this make sense? If my family does ask him about it, I guess I could tell him to just smile, nod, and say ā€œyepā€ to avoid conflict, but that doesnā€™t seem authentic. I donā€™t want him out here lying.

Iā€™m horribly over-thinking this whole thing. Iā€™ve only talked to him for a little over a week and Iā€™m this worried about it. And it should be fun and exciting (and it is) but right now Iā€™m just so nervous.