when dh doesn't get it...


so I don't know if this is accurate. my cycles fluctuate.

but. here's how terrible my fertile window went. and this is month three of screwing it up.

so September we decided to try and it was within enough time to bd one day in the fertile window.

then October we could not bd at all.

so needless to say I was super excited for November. but let me tell you how terrible this went. we start off by him complaining he doesn't like feeling like it's scheduled. and I'm trying to make him understand it's just a week. and it's so important. so we bd on Sunday. and we go for the every other day. Tues rolls around and he's not feeling well and won't bd. so Wednesday I get home late. he jumps in the shower with me and we start but then don't finish because he's into teasing and I'm like...not in the one week out of every freaking month we have to try. do that shit next week.

so Thursday we finally bd! then Saturday he again wasn't feeling well. (he's been having an upset stomach).

so we got one real bd in. 😭 and he's like it's fine we made the baby already. like come on. this doesn't even feel like it counts as TTC. it will definitely take us two years at this rate.