30 days....

30 more days until you come home. I know, I dropped all contact with you 3 years ago. 6 months later there I was to rekindle what we started. I couldn’t take away what I saw that night that made me leave. Even now, I still think about it. Fast forward 2.5 years I haven’t sent you since that evening, you have a career some states and miles away. I have a life back home. When you called to tell me you were coming home I didn’t know how to feel. Should I see you ? Should I keep moving forward ? Should I fall back into that whirlwind of emotions that always engulfed me? Or should I forget it all ? That answer will haunt me up until the day you come home. My mind says no, but my heart says yes. Will there always be the ‘what if’ scenario ? Every time I think about those days and nights we spent together it all comes back. Every kiss, every laugh, every memory still haunting my mind. Is this the closure I need ? In 30 days, my decision will be made.