That One Time When Our Family Vacation Fucked Up My Menstrual Cycle


While I initially intended for this post to just be a question about my cycle, I decided to give a little backstory, so y’all could give me an informed answer. HOWEVER, I’ve never been short-winded... so here’s a book about how a family vacation fucked up my menstrual cycle!

If you don’t have 3,384,828 hours to read the story, please skip to the end to answer my question, if you can.

So back in ‘14 I met a cutie from North Carolina.. blah blah blah, I fell in love with him.. blah blah blah, I decided to give up my life as an Indiana farm girl to go live with him as soon as i graduated from college (Boiler Up 🚂).

So because I was moving 600+ miles from home, my family decided to do one “last” family vacation before the big move. My dad planned 3ish weeks of the 7 of us (dad, mom, my twin brothers and their girlfriends) to go out West in our RV.

We left July 1st, and made it to our first “real” stop the afternoon/evening of July 3rd. Well... sorta. The intended location was my cousin’s house in Montana.. but if y’all know Montana, you’ll know I’m not at all exaggerating when I say we left the motorhome in one town, and then drove 2 hours to get to another. But the drive didn’t end there.. oh no. We drove a whole ‘nother hour down a dirt road. My cousin gave us directions which measured our turns (which were really just forks in the road) by cattle guards instead of miles!

So we get there and this is like the kinda shit you see in movies. They’re wearin boots and their little babies are running around in boots and diapers with cowboy hats. The horses are just chillin right up next to the house (not fenced in at all) like they’re dogs. It was a DREAM!

We do our greeting and chatting and catching up, and then we go to bed. The next morning I had plans to go horseback riding with my cousin’s wife. I WAS SO EXCITED CAUSE I FREAKIN LOVE HORSES. LIKE THIS WAS JUST A DAMN DREAM COME TRUE. So she and I get up and have our morning coffee and my cousin has our horses ready for us and they help my clumsy, lard-ass get on and she and I set off to ride around the buttes (weird-ass western word for hill).

I hope there’s no limit to how much you can write on these things, cause I’m not even close to done with this story.

So I haven’t really ridden a horse in years, and I am no expert, by any means.

All was well and we’re riding along... horsing around... and then Liz asked if I wanted to try to canter. And I’m like fuck yeah, I’ll be a real cowgirl then! So she tells me how, and I try it... and nothin... I try again.. and this horse ain’t movin.. try one more time (let me just tell you, my heart is racing just typing this, that’s how terrifying the experience was for me).. and the hoRSE TAKES OFF LIKE A BAT OUTTA HELL AND IM HOLDIN ON FOR DEAR LIFE AND LIZ IS YELLING “PULL BACK ON THE REINS” BUT MY DUMB ASS LOST GRIP OF THE REINS WHEN THE HORSE TOOK OFF SO I GOT LIKE NOTHIN TO HOLD ONTO AND WITH EVERY PASSING SECOND IM FALLING OFF A LITTLE MORE and then i fell off.. I don’t exactly remember it all, but I remember falling off the right side of the horse, and I hit the ground pretty hard and I think I rolled. But I do know that before I stopped moving, I knew my arm was broken...

So I’m not talkin nothin too disgusting, my arm wasn’t stickin out or anything. And it wasn’t my forearm, either. It was my humerus.. and no, it was not funny.

Oh, let me stop here to point out that there is NO CELL SERVICE OUT HERE.

I had taken my phone to take pictures, and by the grace of whatever being you believe it, Liz managed to find cell service, so she called my cousin and like a million years later he came and got me with an ATV (that had a damn flat tire, by the way). Blah blah blah he got us back to the house.

So the whole family packs up to go into town to fix Aubrey’s broken wing because she just wasn’t getting enough attention.

Oh, and let me point out that it’s the 4th of July too, so that just makes everything better.

Now the 5 of us (my brothers’ girlfriends hadn’t flown in yet) get back in the truck and drive into town to get me to a hospital, but this ain’t as easy as a 5 or even 50 minute drive... nooooooo. This is another hour down that dirt road with 19 cattle guards, and then an additional hour to a town big enough to even have a hospital.

Blah blah blah we get to the hospital.. blah blah blah, they’re like “👨🏽‍⚕️ ma’am, you seem to have broken your arm 🤓” with half of my arm moving when I try to move it and the other half just dangling there (ew, sorry guys), I’m like “no fuckin shit, Sherlock 🧐”.

So those bozos (jk they were actually really nice) send me to a bigger hospital TWO MORE HOURS AWAY. And my arm’s just chillin there, all broken and stuff (in a sling).

But like I said, I’m a lard-ass, so we definitely stopped for pizza before we left town.. I wanted Mexican, but nothing was open. Apparently only the Italians don’t observe the 4th.

So we get to Billings and can’t see a doc till the next morning, so my mom and I stay in a hotel and my dad and the boys drive like 6-7 hours one way to go get the RV and then meet us back at the hospital the next day.

After a shit ton of confusion, i finally find the doctor I’m supposed to see, and he was like “well, I can’t fit you in for surgery until next week” and mom and I are like “LOL HOLD UP GURL” so then he decided “oh I guess I could do it today.”

So they put 6 pins and a plate in my arm and all is well. They send me on my way and we all pack into the motorhome and drive into the sunset to finish our vacation 😃.

I bet your thinking now, “how TF did that affect her period..?? Dumb bitch just wanted to tell a story.. 😑”

Well, dudes and dudettes.. THAT AINT EVEN THE END.

So we keep goin on our vacation and we hit a few stops here and there and a week later we’re in Seattle (Grey’s Anatomy hollaaaaa).

We wake up and the whole fam damily jumps in the truck (which sucks for my brothers and their girlfriends, whom had just arrived, cause they all have to smash in the back seat... skinny bitches 😈) and we drive up the side of Mt. Rainier.

Now, when I woke up that morning, I had a weird feeling in my heart area, but I always got problems, so I just ignored it 💁🏻‍♀️. We get like half way up the mountain and the feeling moves to the right side of my chest.. again, ignored it.. By the time we get back to the RV at the end of the day, the pain had moved to like.. my kidney area?? And I was like ugh, I hope this ain’t kidney stones or somethin.

So the fam’s out sittin by the campfire and I’m in the RV tryna stretch out my broken wing and all of the sudden this pain in my back/kidney area is fuckin PARALYZING. It was 8x worse than the pain of breaking my arm just 7 days prior. I manage to stumble out of the RV, sobbing, can barely catch my breath, and everyone scrambles to cater to my needs. I tell ‘em all what’s goin on between my cries and mom and dad and I decide to go “into town” again (another hour+ drive 😒). It was IMPOSSIBLE to find a way to get into the vehicle with the new pain I was experiencing, in addition to the whole broken wing thing..

Anyways, we get like 30 minutes down the road and this pain kinda subsides. So I’m like man, maybe we shouldn’t go to another hospital.. it’ll be expensive and there’s probably gonna be needles involved.. ehhh...

But I made the responsible, management decision to continue onward! And it’s a damn good thing i did, cause they found out my pain was from (2) blood clots in my right lung.. and I also had 3 in my broken arm (:

Soooooo, this is where the whole menstrual cycle thing comes into play.

They immediately took me off of birth control and put me on blood thinners (y’all, every time I had to refill those at Wal*Mart, the pharmacist was like “tell your mom this is how you use these” and I had to be like “nah lady, these are for me”).

So, here’s my question and the initial reason for the post:

I’ve had 3 normal periods since this happened. One right away (cause they took me off the pill, ya know), and then the monthlys after that (which pretty much came when they were expected to). However the period that was supposed to come last month did not come and still has not.

If I skip a period, will it just come whenever, or should it come when the next one would come? I’m like 53 days into my cycle..

Not even sure that question makes sense, but I figure someone may understand what the hell I’m trying to say, and hope that same person has the answer to my question.

Sooooo.. if you read my story, bless you, child. I’m sorry I took so much time out of your day, but I hope you feel better about your life now since you know there’s someone out there that lives a life as lame as mine.

If you didn’t read my story, pls still answer my question. Pls halp. Pls.