Pulled Abdominal Muscles While Wiping


Is it possible to pull muscles in your abdomen when wiping your bum?

I was peeing earlier today and turned to wipe and all of a sudden a had tenderness in my abdomen.

I’m seven months pregnant so of course every ache and pain I’m obsessed with trying to figure out what it is in worry that it’s still merging wrong. There’s no spotting and I’m constantly feeling kicks.

It’s been about five hours and it’s still tender, the pain is above my belly button but I don’t think it’s a hernia. I don’t know if I happened to turn right as I was having a Braxton-Hicks contraction or what.

Any idea of what it could be or if I should be worried or wait it out or if this has happened to anyone else? Who knew being ‘clean’ was a luxury!?