I’m scared


So I am so scared right now... that I might be pregnant. I am on the pill but I found out from my gynecologist that the other meds I’m on don’t mix well with it and it runs a higher risk of pregnancy.

My idiot ass of course hooked up with an old flame and we had sex. So of course I freaked out. She gave me an emergency contraceptive.

Like I know a baby is dangerous for my health but at the same time I am the kind of person who feels like any life deserves some value. Even one that hasn’t made it into the world yet. I am scared of making the choice if there is a baby...

Part of me really wants a baby, but I also know that right now is not the right time for one. I am emotionally unprepared. He still has dreams and things he wants to accomplish and having a baby would set that back; I know adoption is an option but part of me fears then I’d fall in love with the idea of keeping it while I carried it...

Like I’m scared and I dont know how to make my brain stop panicking about this and he has said,” don’t panic until you have too.” Kinda hard when it could spin everything out of control.