Repeat Cesarean Blues

I'm scheduled to have my second C-section on December 12th. The closer the date gets, the more emotional I am about not being able to deliver vaginally. Where I live, the hospital is not big enough to accommodate to VBAC and the closest place that does is an hour and a half away. The other day, a lady (in her 50's or so) was asking me the typical pregnancy questions. When the "when are you due" came up, I told her the 12th and she proceeded to ask if I thought I'd be earlier or later than the date. I told her I was getting a C-section, so unless it happens earlier it's on the date. When she asked why I was having it done, I could hear the skepticism in her voice (like I haven't already felt shitty enough for having to have one 🙄) . I instantly shut her out mentally. I think my SO noticed, so he answered for me and then this nice (😒) lady proceeds to tell us that she had a c-section with her first and then had the rest vaginally. When SO and I got home I went straight to googling VBACs which led to me watching birthing videos while I bawled my eyes out. I feel like, due to my hormones and rampant emotions, I keep hoping I go into labor early so I can just pop the baby out at home (which I know is totally crazy), so before that happens, I figured I'd try to look for some support as I emotionally await my due date.