My water broke on 11/16/17 - I had to be put on pitocin to help speed up the process

My water broke on 11/16/17 - I had to be put on pitocin to help speed up the process. After hours of labor and nothing happening - I had to have a c-section which I was not planning on. I was scared to death but anything to help the baby was what I was prepared for. I’m being wheeled into surgery-feeling every bit of pressure and tugging and then there he was.. crying and looking absolutely adorable. He is perfect. My recovery has been so difficult though. He was a good sleeper up until we got home. He sleeps during the day and is awake at night. So now we have to switch our schedules. My baby blues have gotten so bad. Still trying to fight them and get passed my issues so I can enjoy this time with my son. Any advice for a mom struggling with baby blues and a csection at all once? Do you feel better eventually and things become easier? I feel so overwhelmed, tired and like I am in a constant dream state.