I screamed at him 😔

My LO is 5 weeks old and is breastfed exclusively. The past few days he's been extreme clingy and wants to nurse every half an hour, 45 minutes, an hour..it's a lot. I finally got him down tonight after two hours of fussy nursing and him being wide awake. I have a horrible headache so I go straight to bed too, and not even ten minutes of me being in bed he's screaming again. He sounds snuffly and a bit congested so maybe that's making him uncomfortable, or maybe he's having a growth spurt hence the extra feeding, but I'm just at the end of my tether. I'm home with him all day every day and while my husband tries to help when he gets home from work, there's not much he can really do as I'm not getting a chance to express enough to give him a bottle. I'm just exhausted, and when I got him out of his basket just now I literally screamed at him to shut up. I instantly wish I hadn't and now I just feel fucking horrible and like a terrible mom.

He's back feeding again now. Gonna be a long night 😒

❤️ just wanted to say thank you all for your advice. I managed to express some yesterday so hubby was able to feed him from a bottle while I took a bath, and he slept for three hours after that so I got some sleep too 🙌🏼. Feeling much more human today. Thanks again x ❤️