Possibly pregnant?

Before I say anything else, I know the possible ways for pregnancy to occur. It's just that my anxiety is making me overthink things.

Last week my boyfriend and i were messing around and there ended up being semen, but not in or near my vagina. (I'm still a virgin) however I did get fingered but that was hours after he came and he washed his hands prior.

Also the day after, we messed around again but this time he didn't cum. All I did was sit on top of him, and I'm worried he might've had precum on his underwear and it might've touched mine. (We both had our underwear on and he didn't go in me)

The following day I woke up with lower back pain that only lasted for a day. It was also the day that I was ovulating according to my app, is that normal?

Based on what I've said, is there a possibility of me being pregnant despite not having vaginal intercourse? My period is due next week