Clomid Questions! Please help..


I have a few questions that I'm hoping you ladies can answer for me and any other newbies that might be wondering! I am on progesterone right now, trying to start my period. I'll start 100mg Clomid on cd 3-7 (this is what my dr told me to do) with my next cycle. These are a few of the weird questions I've been thinking about while I'm impatiently waiting for AF 😩

1. Does any specific time frame of taking Clomid increase your chances of multiples?

2. I was using preseed before; should I use preseed with Clomid? Any of you done it?

3. I'm not sure if all are like this, but my tablets are 50mg and they are chewable so I'll be taking two; do I have to chew them or can I just swallow them? Are they gross?? What do they taste like? **UPDATE: NOT CHEWABLES 😂😂😂😂**

4. I generally take medications with side effects right before bed so I feel them less. Is this a good approach to taking Clomid? I was getting dizzy and nauseous with the progesterone so I switched to bedtime and I've been fine.

Ok so that's it for now 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I'd really love it if some of you could answer questions or even just share your experiences with Clomid. Things I should know? Thank you 🤗💜