Hello there

I'm new to this group and decided to drop a note and say hello. I'm currently expecting twins and I'm 35 weeks pregnant. I'm from the USA but lived overseas for some time. I thought I would just vent too. Don't know if anyone can see what I write or how many can see. Wanted to know how many of you experienced anxiety during pregnancy. Just recently I been experiencing it I guess everything came to me at once. My husband is overseas and didn't experience next to nothing of my pregnancy. I came back from overseas to have my babies here and pray to God to live here. Currently, I live with my family they do tend to drive me crazy since being overseas for sometime it's weird to be back home. I do miss my me time and privacy and can't wait to get my own place when my husband comes. My mom just says very negative unnecessary things to me to stress me out. This is really how my anxiety began. I kept telling her to stop but that never works she keeps going. Now sadly I think the worse while everyone else around me is so excited. It's very hard to get these negative thoughts out of my head since she hammered them in my head talking about early labor and miscarriage and still birth as much as she can. It's like who does that to a pregnant lady. I need to learn ways how to relax and need time away from her she is like glued to me and I can't breathe at times. I want these last weeks to be positive but it seems she has a different agenda. Need to know what to do to stop these awful thoughts I have. Writing this down helps me relax. Sorry for rambling and ranting this actually helps. I know I'm healthy and the babies are its just been stressful with a negative nancy you know and need reassurance always. Thanks for reading my rambling rant and hope to help in any way if needed. :)