Birth story!


So while my little man is in the nursery being bathed and I'm actually not in that much pain right now I figured I'd share my birth story!

Slade Mattox made his way into this world at 10:58 p.m. via unplanned C- section. I came in to L&D; to be induced at 2 a.m. I was already dilated to a 4 & 80% effaced so I thought he's going to Coke so fast, he will be here by 8 a.m. Well they started pitocin & I started having contractions. I waited to get my epidural because I was scared it would slow down contractions (it didn't) however, it took until 5:30 p.m to be completely dilated. I started to push. I pushed my heart out & no improvement for 45 minutes. They decided to let me wait and have me sit up and move baby down because he was in my ribs SIDEWAYS. I started back pushing 20 minutes later for 2 hours. Then another break after I threw up but felt better so I wanted to keep going. I wasn't making any progress & I in total pushed for 5 1/2 hours. I was completely exhausted but my doctor wanted to keep me pushing until he finished with another womans C-section. Finally, he came in and asked if I wanted him to try everything I could to avoid a C-section and I said yes. He used forceps, tried turning him & even used the vacuum. Nothing worked. I had to have a C-section. I felt like I failed. I got put on the table and about 20 minutes later he was born. 8 pounds 13 ounces & 20 1/2 inches long! And doctor said that it was a blessing we didn't continue to push because his arm was stuck side ways in the birth canal & would have broke it if he would have kept using force. I have never imagined something so beautiful and rewarding & I would do it all over again! Say hello to our son!