about to come off

Sammi • Mommy to Kota 👼Mommy to Maya 🌈. Married💍 Titan Atlas due nov 7th.

so I'm about to come off my Depo December 20th. I started it in April as I had just started seeing my boyfriend and it wouldn't have been good to get pregnant so early. however I've been ready for a LONG time. I'm in the midst of getting divorced, and my husband and I had been trying for 2 years. January 18th 2016 I had laparoscopic surgery for an ectopic pregnancy resulting in me losing my left tube. WORST DAY EVER. well I've been really depressed for the past few weeks. And it's because I'm coming up on the 2 year mark of me losing my angel baby. so I talked to him about how I've been ready forever and that's why I was put on this earth, to go through EVERYTHING I've endured in my 21 years so i could make a difference and be a better mother than my mother ( who had me and my brother taken away when I was 2) and my grandmother (who was abusive to me and my brother) resulting me being in foster care until I turned 18. I am here to give someone a better life than I have had. And it hurts me that I haven't gotten that chance yet. so my boyfriend said we could try ! seriously made me so happy. so I'm stopping my injections December 20th. now ill need some SUPER support because I get CRUSHED Every time my period comes. so I'll need a major support system for anyone who's been through all that I have. i need someone to become my friend so I can talk to them and they can talk to me. someone who understand where I'm coming from and can relate to me. thank you and baby dust to all