Sick of nursing all night

My 7 month old still nurses all night long and it’s gotten even worse! She nurses to sleep and it’s gotten to the point when I get her to sleep and try to move away she just cries. So she’s on my boob all night. She goes to bed between 6 and 7 and I don’t want to go to bed with her then! I’d really love to have time with my husband. I feel like I don’t ever get to just have time with him anymore. I’m also nervous I’ll suffocate her with nursing her all night long. And I’m also not getting enough sleep at all because I just worry! How can I get her to stop nursing to sleep and transition her to her crib? She really needs to learn to put herself to sleep. I need time to myself for naps too! I still hold her for all of her naps and she nurses the whole time.