Smoking and breastfeeding

I had my baby a week & 4 days ago. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed but it was a lot harder than I thought😓. My breast were engorged, it hurted to feed her. I tried giving her formula but she wouldn’t drink it and I figured it was bc I had bf her since birth so she didn’t like the taste..

Long story short I gave in and smoked one cigarette yesterday but I decided I don’t want to give up on breastfeeding. I didn’t smoke while pregnant but I was a smoker prior to. So my question is if I smoked yesterday, is it safe to feed her today? Do I need to pump & dump? If so how much to dump? Will any of the harmful chemicals get to her even tho it’s been 24 hours since I last smoked? I know it was a dumb decision but I really need help before I give her my breast again. I already had about 12 ounces of milk pumped before so that’s what I’m feeding her now.