Milk supply going down 😭


So our son was born November 15th at 830 pm and my husband delivered him in our living room, we didn't make it to the hospital in time, once I felt his head drop into the birth canal I knew this was it! He was out in 10 minutes!! Okay just wanted to give a little info on my Birth, on to the real topic breastfeeding. I am currently breastfeeding and my milk supply was sooo good a few days after he was born and now it just seems like it's going down, like really low :( I slacked a little in the pumping department so I will be returning to pumping after every feeding! Hopefully this will bring milk supply up. Our sweet boy is feeding now but I don't feel as if my breast has milk in it but yet he is still sucking. I think he may be using me as a paci. We have has to give a little formula at the end of breast feeding because it isn't filling him up or it's just not enough milk. What do you ladies think? Any advice?