When did your baby start to roll over?


Had my perfect baby boy at 41 weeks on 11/14/17. He was lifting his head to look at me during the skin to skin hour right after he was born. We went to his first pediatrician appointment Monday (he was 6 days old) and she saw him lifting his head himself on the table and in my arms and was shocked, because she says he looks like he has the neck strength and movement of a 1-2 month old. We were pretty impressed with our boy at that point lol

Today (8 days old) we are doing tummy time like the pediatrician recommended to keep up with his muscle advancement and... he lifted himself up and rolled onto his back! My husband and I were in complete shock because an 8 day old definitely shouldn’t be able to do that so we were trying to look up when that starts, and the internet says to look for that at 4-5 months! Is that accurate? When did your babies start lifting/rolling etc? Just trying to figure out how he is doing this stuff so early and if maybe the internet is overstating how far along that is. Thanks for input!