Sneaking around?maybe?

crystal • Loving life with my prince Isaiah!

Hello ladies. I’m kind of in a jiffy. My husband has been spending a lot of time on his phone lately and I’ve been so busy getting ready to have the baby I haven’t questioned it. But as we sat down this morning to eat breakfast someone was texting him. I asked him who it was and he said his friend Carlton from work. So I brushed it off thinking it was normal and whatever. Through out the day he was on his phone almost all the time. So he laid down tonight and something just told me to look at his phone.. I looked and saw that he hasn’t texted or spoken to Carlton since Saturday. And my husband is the type to never delete messages so his old ones between them where on there. None from today. For a matter of fact there where none from today.. but I heard his phone going off and he said he was texting him? So I went into his settings to see if his texts where still set up to come to our computer. (He bought a Mac specifically so if I ever felt like something was going on I could check because he’s been unfaithful in the past.) well his settings where off when they used to be on. He also put on a privacy screen on his phone. I just need you ladies opinions. Should I ask him about it or wait until he goes back to work and see who’s really texting him? I don’t want this to be the end of my family but I also don’t want to be walked on AGAIN.