Senior dog ❤️ (Final update)

Adopting this girl first thing tomorrow! She’s 17 and was dumped at the shelter because her family is moving 😔 hoping to give her the best life with lots of love for as long as I have her!


The shelter that she’s at is still closed for the holiday(😩) and opens tomorrow at 10! I got an update from someone in contact with the shelter so when it opens i can get right to her. She said she’s on what’s called death row and in the very back of the shelter I guess where people usually don’t go☹️

I feel so bad for her and I want her home with me, she doesn’t deserve this.

I’m so nervous it’s like a first date. Will she like me? Will I be annoying? Talk too much? Sometimes I ramble when I’m excited. Something in my teeth? Don’t want to say ily too fast and pressure her u know



So, I’ve taken the day to mope. We went this morning and as we were filling out the paper work and we’d met her and everything we learned that she had been deemed unadoptable to the public for medical reasons and a rescue was in route to pick her up. She has a mass on her stomach and an awful fungal infection on her ear and pretty severe muscle atrophy. We took her out, loved on her and put a collar we bought for her on and took the old one off. She was scared but such a love. I’m happy she’s going to a rescue and I know they can do so much for her but my heart is definitely sad because I already loved her!

Thank you everyone for the positive words!