Threesome with Ex?? (Sorry this is lengthy)


Let me try and keep this somewhat brief. So... my dad lives in Texas (states away from me) and so does my step brother (who I hate.. but let's not get into that now) and step mom. My step-bro decided a 2 Summers ago to have his friend over to stay the night, which was kind of weird for me considering he's only 2 months younger than me.... Anyway, this friend comes over (let's call him JT), and he's really cute, so I talked to him a lot that night. Over the course of a few hours, we were talking like really close friends. Next time I see him was when he stayed the night again, and after that, I'm really crushing on him. Long story short with JT, we started dating in a long distance relationship after I came home.

Well, that lasts a few months before he decides he can't handle the distance any longer, which I understand, and we end it. I was already kinda jealous of how close he was with his best friend (let's call her Katie), but didn't really say anything cause I didn't wanna be "that girlfriend" yknow.

ANYWAY I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC I'M SORRY.. Mkay so, JT and I are still really good friends and I trust him a lot. We just happened to not talk for a couple weeks at some point, and next time we spoke, him and Katy were together. I was honestly a little jealous at the time, but they are SUPER cute together and I've come to love Katy so😁.

I still try and Skype them whenever possible, and we talk about some great stuff. Here's where we get into the question haha.. Nowadays I'm talking to this guy (let's call him...Jared). We've been best friends for over a year now, and it's progressed to where we are both aware we have feelings for the other, but he's scared of a long distance relationship with someone he hasn't officially met. I understand that though. Well a few weeks ago the three of us (JT, Katy, and me) were in a Skype call and Katy just casually brought up the idea of us having fun together (I'm pan and she's bi) just as a joke. JT then says he wouldn't approve unless he was involved and soon enough, we were legitimately talking about having a threesome together when I visit next summer.

I told Jared, and he says he doesn't care.. as long as I tell him all about it (Keep in mind we're also best friends and tell each other EVERYTHING) and there's no penetrativr sex involved.. only fun. This is mainly because I've never had penetrativr sex before soooooo (he wants to be my first XD). Again, understandable. My question is this: should I feel guilty about saying yes to this? Is it weird that this will be with my ex and his girlfriend?