Bloody show/mucus plug? (No picture 😊)


Been having blood-flecked mucus for three days with occasional period like cramping. No actual contractions or even BH that I️ can tell. Occasionally I️t feels like baby is scratching at my cervix and get a quick sharp discomfort, like when you get a Pap smear. Starting to go crazy. Feels like the same thing every day. Did labor start this way for anyone? How long after the bloody show/mucus plug did you start having actual contractions? I️m 40+2 btw...

Update: as of 1 am on 40+3, I️ seem to be having contractions about 20 min apart. 45 secs each. Still not feeling a ton of stomach tightening exactly, but I️ can’t imagine it’s anything else the way I️t feels?