New attempt at ovulation or early pregnancy?


I would much appreciate some insight from the community in my chart.

I thought I had ovulated at CD14 or 15, but then thought I didn’t because of how low my temps are. I received an Ovia app alert about my temp shift and then found out that .11 Celsius might be enough for a post-ovulation temp shift. Also I have started taking my temp an hour earlier than in the first 2 weeks of my cycle (because I am so nervous) and this could mean I am underestimating the height of my temp.

Got a gush of watery discharge yesterday and got a peak OPK early this morning.

This was supposed to be 6DPO (or 5...).

Did my body fail to ovulate last time and is making a new attempt? Or did the OPK pick up an early pregnancy?

Baby dust to all!