VERY Pregnant..


well I was due on the 19th but here we are... still freaking pregnant!

I had an appointment the day before Thanksgiving & was hoping to be so much further progressed than I was.. NOPE! soft cervix & was BARELY 1cm🤦‍♀️ so she shoved her finger up there to stretch me to a full cm & to give me the membrane sweep I've been waiting for ... only to be told it probably won't do much for me. possible, but not likely. I'm sitting here typing to y'all still pregnant. hoping this lil boy comes on his own but I am being induced the 30th. my November baby due the 19th is scheduled for an induction on the freaking THIRTIETH of November... 😭

I have a Dr appointment @ 2:50 pm the 29th where they will be inserting a Foley bulb into my cervix to help me dilate & the induction scheduled for November 30th... almost a December baby, I honestly cannot believe he is not here yet!! I havent lost my plug, I've been getting so much BH & cramps that have done nothing for me! I woke in the middle of the night before Thanksgiving to 45 min of false labor after my sweep. I got so excited to only be let down.. this sucks!! I just want to meet my son!