My miracle story....a bit long UPDATE

Carmen • Luv music, luvin life....💕 5 angels/ 2🌈 baby💕🌈baby #2 came June 26 2018❤️

I have been trying to concieve in what seems like forever with baby #2! 2 weeks ago after work i went to the ER because I had a sharp pain in my waist. My lmp was September 24th & didnt think anything of it since i am very irregular. Because of my past history of miscarriages they got me in and did blood test.

I was a ball a nerves thinking the worst....bad infection, kidney, blood....

Doctor comes in with a sonogram machine and tells me well you are pregnant! All that went through my head was is this true? Is the baby ok? Omg! I wanted to cry of happiness but contained myself! This time they even found a heart beat at almost 7 weeks!

Im almost 9 weeks now and im a mess of emotions because i still have to wait almost a week till my first official sonogram where I get my due date. Im nervous, im hoping the baby is ok and everything is going well.... send me prayers and anything else! Thanks!


Today was an emotional day! I got my sonogram and I am 10 weeks 1 day!

It was the best thing when I heard my babys 178 bpm heartbeat, I am so happy and blessed! Cant wait to meet you my rainbow baby!❤️👶🏻