Being induced tomorrow and petrified!! Stories please!

So I’m being induced tomorrow at 39+6

I am absolutely terrified, to the point I’ve spent all evening crying and making myself feel sick. Labour always worried me but I think when you’re first pregnant it seems so far away and now it’s here I’m so so scared of the pain. I am hoping for an epidural as soon as I can have one which is when you’re in active labour at 4-5cm but it’s the build up to that I’m scared about. The contractions are what scare me and also being put on the drip as I heard that it’s very intense pain. I’m worried I won’t be able to cope with the pain and will be screaming and make myself sick etc which i know will only make it worse.

It sounds ridiculous I know but please reassure me! Are contractions really that bad ?

******* EDIT *******

Thank you for everyone’s


after all that. I ended up with a c section 😂🙈