Thanksgiving drama!! Please tell me I wasn't wrong!


So yesterday on Thanksgiving, my boyfriend didn't want to come to my family's feast because his was right after and he didn't wanna be full and wanted to eat with his family first. So I was like okay whatever that's fine. I go over to his house and we're there with his mom cousins brothers etc, and he's just on his phone on Facebook! Sitting there watching videos while his mom prepares to serve and the rest of us are watching a movie as a family. So we eat, talk, have some laughs and dessert and it was time to watch another movie, well his family only speak Spanish so we watched a movie in Spanish, well not even 20 minutes into the movie and he's on his phone watching videos on Facebook again! Then, he gets up and starts talking on the phone with his friend and walks outside and for 30 minutes he's out there! At this point I start to get irritated because it's Thanksgiving, we're supposed to spend time with Eachother and his whole family is there and he's outside on the phone with his friend! So after 30 minutes he comes in and goes to his room, so I had to use the restroom and after I go he calls me in and he's still on the phone! And so I tell him what are you doing? Go watch the movie with us, and he says " Ugh no I'm bored aren't you bored? Plus I don't like Spanish movies" and I was so hurt and mad. I was like wtf!? I was mad that he's not out there with us it's thanksgiving! So anyways, THEN he says, I guess I'll go over there but give me 15 minutes , I'm full Ima take a nap. Omggggg I was so mad, so mad, anyways. We got Ina argument because he said I was trippen. And I haven't spoken to him all day cause he said I'm irrelevant and so are my feelings. Was I in the wrong? Or was I trippen?