Am I being dramatic?

One of my friends made a big post on Facebook, thanking people who had helped her a lot in the last year.

She thanked her bff,

She thanked her roommate,

She thanked this dude whom she has had a crush on for ages but he has friend zoned her every time (and they only recently became friends again. Like, 3 months ago recent)

And she thanked her dog.

And I'm a little bit angry that I wasn't in there. Because 1. She never would have reconnected with the guy if it wasn't for me. 2. She never would have found her roommate if it wasn't for me introducing them. 3. She had reconnected with me last year, when she was in a miserable emotionally abusive relationship. I am the one who got her a job (when the 20 places she applied to turned her down, I talked to my boss and got her an interview next day), I also helped her break up with the shitty boyfriend and helped her pack up and move out of his place.

This isn't the first time I have felt this way. We had been friends in highschool and I broke off the friendship for a very similar reason. I seem to only be her friend when it's convenient for her. I did so much shit for her, put my life on hold to help her. And what I get in return is her ignoring my texts/never wanting to talk irl hang out unless I'm literally the only person available, her saying on Facebook that her DOG has helped her and is more important than I am. (That's how Ive interpreted it anyways). And I dont understand why I keep bending over backward for her and trying to be there for her and be supportive when she just doesn't seem to care at all.

I have BPD. so I have a tendency to overreact and be dramatic when I feel like I've been abandoned or something (Example. I went to a doctor appointment a few years ago. My doctor was 5min late getting me out of the waiting room. And I flipped out, had an anxiety attack thinking "omg he hates me, he doesn't want to see me, I'm a burden, I should just leave.")

So I'm genuinely not sure if this is me being dramatic or if I actually have a reason to be upset here. Help me out, ladies

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