Does this sound like a good idea?


I worked with children for pretty much my whole life and there was a pastor that was over the elementary school aged children. This morning we all got word that he passed away early this morning and it’s been something that everyone has been trying to process. I still haven’t been able to, it just doesn’t feel real. He has touched the lives of sooo many people including mine and has been an inspiration to many. My mom is also one of the leaders that helps out with the children and she said that she was thinking about doing a memory book and having everyone sign it and give it to his wife. I thought this was a good idea but my mom said she was scared to say something because she thought that all the new adult leaders would tear the idea down. But the thing is they are all new and don’t know him like the rest of us do. What do y’all think? Do you think a memory book is too much or what?