Need to kick him out.

Hi I've been with my SO for 15 yrs we have kids and I'm tired 😔I can't trust him because of the multiple cheating over the yrs , he was abusive at one point & I was too. Now don't get me wrong it wasn't always bad but the bad does outweigh the good. Just recently about 3 months ago he told me he doesn't have any privacy because I went thru his phone and there was a female that called him & left a message saying have a good day since he blocked her # ( if u have iPhone u block out #s). I didn't sign up for this shit I've been faithful and tried to keep are family together. We are not married But why am I constantly trying when it seems like he's not our kids need counseling because of all the bullshit they have heard & seen ! just last year he cheated on me told me we're not together anymore told me I'm an old thirsty bitch. I even talked to the women he was fucking with she knew about me he told her that he's just there for his kids that we not together. I just don't understand u give all your time and energy into something that was a complete waste of time. I just want him to leave at this point but he doesn't take me serious because I've said it so much in the past. Trust me it's not easy when u have kids with this person & his kids love him but I'm miserable. Sorry for the rant.