5 months pregnant and still haven’t announced

My fiancé and I were planning on announcing that we were expecting baby #2 yesterday on Thanksgiving...

but I decided not to! I have a son who is 7 months old and this one just sneaked up on us (I was on birth control but that didn’t stop this one!)

and my parents love him to bits and pieces but it’s just this time around my oldest brother is expecting his first baby with his girlfriend too and she is only a week and two days ahead.

My fiancé and I put off our announcement so it wouldn’t be like we were stealing their thunder as it is their first baby and we’re super happy for them!

However, it came up out of the blue that they were going to get married next year and my fiancé and I have been planning for our wedding to be in August 2018 for almost two years now and as for my bro and his gf they’ve only known each other for almost a year

and so in my family they believe it’s bad luck for two siblings to get married in the same year but my bros gf wanted to make sure that next year they would get married so she put a deposit down for everything and has most of their wedding plans set in stone so that nothing would stop their wedding.

My mom finding out that she did this told me to push my wedding for the year after or two because my brother is older and he somehow has the right of way to get married first and she just totally disregarded me and my fiancé’s plans. (Of course I had a breakdown for about a week and half)

Anyways, so my belly has grown significantly so, like I look really frickin pregnant! But somehow my family just thinks I’m fat!

My mom lately though especially yesterday has been saying things like “knock on wood that you’re pregnant again” and how she hopes we don’t have another baby again which I don’t understand why..

So I told my fiancé yesterday that I wasn’t up for announcing it and that I feel like at this point I just want to wait until baby #2 decides to come and just come home one day with another baby.

I guess I’m just wondering what I should do lol

***I wasn’t serious about just showing up with my baby once s/he is born lol we live with my parents I’m just tired of pushing it off and my moms down talk, just expressing how frustrating it is and how I should go about this haha***