When’s the right time to ask?


I’ve been going out with/talking to/idk what to call it with this guy for a little while, about a month or so. We text everyday and we’ve hung out twice since we started flirting and got along great! The first time it was just me and him watching movies together, but the second time he came over to my apartment and met all of my friends and he even stayed over until 4am just talking with me. I have absolutely no idea how to read guys because I was in one serious relationship through high school so I think I missed out on experimenting with dating and what not. I want to ask him if this is just a hook up thing, or if he wants something more but I know it’s insanely early to ask that and I feel crazy for wanting to ask already. But when is it acceptable to ask without seeming like the clingy bitch I am? 😂