Help, I think I’ve been really silly :(

I have Dr and Endochronologist appts next week but wondering what people’s opinions are-

This is my second GD pregnancy. I take 2000 mg of metformin and 4units of protophane.

My fasting levels are the reason I require medication.

Between my last two scans bubs tummy has had a growth spurt :( measuring on the big side now. Maybe it is something really obvious that I’ve missed but I’ve just learned about spikes and crashes that can make your readings seem ok..

I seem to be able to eat and drink whatever during the day and my levels are fine. Like I can eat a McDonalds meal with a soda and my levels are fine. It’s not something I’m proud of but I have been eating quite badly lately. We have had a lot of family upheaval. My dad has been ill all year and died about a month ago and we are caring for a teen with some issues as well as my own toddler. Life has just been crazy, we have not been eating at regular times and have not been eating very healthy. My readings have been fine so I’ve just continued as normal without really thinking about it too much because my brain is at absolute capacity.

This IS NOT like me.. I am always ‘by the book’.. it’s quite hard for me to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy and I’m so grateful to have my daughter and the babe that’s still on the inside, I wouldn’t want to do anything to harm them, I’m feeling really terrible!!

I know I can’t reverse this if I have caused it but can the rest of the baby catch up if I have messed up so far but am on best behaviour from now on? I’d say it’s been around a month of stupidity :/ I’m 30 wks