LO won’t feed at night (6 days old)

Kailyn • Navy wife + mom of 2

He’s gaining weight and feeding well during the day for the most part but he goes a really long time in between feeds sometimes. Especially at night. Dr said as long as he eats well during the day we can on demand feed him at night and not wake him.

During the day he latches with little struggle and eats for usually at least 10 minutes on one side (he hasn’t been able to eat from both sides in a sitting yet)

At night - especially last night - he refuses to latch. He just screams whenever I try and he just seemed furious all last night before he eventually passed out and slept through the morning - when he ate well again with no problem.

I just don’t know what to do. He has a good amount of wet and poopy diapers so I know he’s getting enough but still. An entire night without eating for a newborn doesn’t seem okay? Anyone else go through this?