Thinking about clomid... help


Has anyone taken clomid without a prescription and had a baby with it? I struggle with miscarriages every other month. I also don’t have any health coverage. I found a site online that u can order clomid without a prescription. I have not been diagnosed with infertility bc I haven’t been to the dr besides for DNC being done and they won’t talk to me about other options bc of no insurance. I have no drug allergies either. I really need help. I’ve struggled with this for over 4 years and have had over 10 miscarriages... I just need advice. My husband is also about to join the army in a few months and it will make things harder. I really just need some advice. Please no hurtful comments or being judgmental... this is my last chance bc I can’t afford <a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a>....